0161 969 2288 info@arthurkershaw.com

Privacy Policy

We aim to meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR], the guidelines on the Information Commissioner’s website as well as our professional guidelines and requirements. Please contact us if you require detailed information about our policies.

The purpose of processing any of your personal data that you may provide via our contact form is strictly to deal with your enquiry. We minimise the data that we keep, and do not keep it for longer than necessary. We never pass your personal details to a third party. Personal data is stored in the UK when needed whether in digital or hard copy format. Personal data is obtained when a client enquires with us or is in contract with us through the procurement of our services.

We have established that the lawful basis for processing your data would result from your legitimate interests as an enquirer or as a client. We will process your data where necessary for the performance of a contract with your consent and to comply with our legal obligations and debt recovery if/when needed.

The personal data we process includes your name, address and gender where provided. You have the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data, right of access and the right to rectification. Furthermore you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data and the deletion of your personal data.

Please get in touch with us to request copies of our policies or details of any data that we may hold or process.